Fixtures (Built-in Fixtures)in Playwright with basic example

5 min read4 days ago


Fixtures Playwright

What Are Fixtures In Playwright?

In Playwright, fixtures are objects that help you set up your tests efficiently. Think of them as “ready-made helpers” that provide things you commonly need, like a browser page, so you don’t have to create them from scratch every time.


Let’s start with taking an example of page fixture, Here’s the code to explain the page fixture:

import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test'; 

test('basic test', async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('');
await expect(page).toHaveTitle(/Playwright/);

In above code:

  • The page object is a fixture provided by Playwright.
  • It’s automatically created for your test, and it represents a browser page (like a tab in Chrome or Firefox) that you can use to interact with a website.
  • { page }: Playwright gives this fixture to you inside the curly braces {}. It’s like saying, “Hey, give me a browser page to work with!”
  • You didn’t have to write code to open a browser or create a page — Playwright does that for you automatically using the page fixture.

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A Very Basic Example

Imagine you’re testing a simple website, like a login page. Here’s how page fixtures help.

import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
test('login page test', async ({ page }) => {

await page.goto('');
await expect(page).toHaveURL(/login/);
  • Without fixtures: You’d have to manually write code to launch a browser, open a new tab, etc.
  • With fixtures: Playwright says, “Don’t worry, I’ll give you a page ready to go!”

Why Are Fixtures Useful?

  • Saves time: You don’t need to set up a browser or page yourself.
  • Consistency: Every test gets the same fresh page to work with.
  • Cleanup: Playwright automatically closes the browser after the test, so you don’t have to.

Other Fixtures in Playwright

Besides page, Playwright offers other fixtures like:

  • browser: Gives you a whole browser.
  • context: Gives you a browser context (like a fresh session with cookies).
  • request: Helps you make API calls.
  • browserName: Help you to know in which browser your test is running.

browser Fixture

The browser fixture gives you access to the entire browser instance (e.g., Chrome, Firefox). You can use it to control the browser or launch multiple pages.

import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';

test('check browser type', async ({ browser }) => {
// Open a new page manually using the browser fixture
const page = await browser.newPage();
await page.goto('');
await expect(page).toHaveTitle(/Example/);

Why use it?: If you need to control the browser directly or create multiple pages in one test.

context Fixture

The context fixture provides a browser context, which is like a fresh browsing session (e.g., with its own cookies, storage, etc.). It’s useful for testing things like logins or isolated sessions.

import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';

test('check cookies in context', async ({ context }) => {
// "context" fixture gives you a fresh browser session
const page = await context.newPage();
await page.goto('');

// Add a cookie to the context
await context.addCookies([{ name: 'myCookie', value: 'hello', domain: '', path: '/' }]);
console.log('Cookies:', await context.cookies()); // Prints the cookies

Why use it?: To manage cookies, local storage, or test multiple user sessions without interference.

request Fixture

The request fixture lets you make HTTP requests (like GET or POST) directly, which is great for testing APIs alongside your webpage tests.

import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';

test('test an API', async ({ request }) => {
// "request" fixture lets you send HTTP requests
const response = await request.get('');

// Check if the API returns a successful status

// Check the response body
const data = await response.json();
console.log('API Response:', data);

Why use it?: To test backend APIs or mock responses without needing a browser page.

browserName Fixture

The browserName fixture tells you which browser your test is running in (e.g., “chromium”, “firefox”, or “webkit”). It’s handy for writing browser-specific tests.

import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';

test('check browser name', async ({ browserName }) => {
// "browserName" fixture tells you the browser being used
console.log('Running in:', browserName);

if (browserName === 'chromium') {
console.log('This is Chrome or Edge!');
} else if (browserName === 'firefox') {
console.log('This is Firefox!');

Best Practices of Using Fixtures in Playwright

Using fixtures in Playwright effectively can make your tests cleaner, more maintainable, and easier to scale. Below are some best practices for using fixtures in Playwright, explained with simple examples and reasoning. These practices will help you avoid common pitfalls and get the most out of Playwright’s powerful fixture system.

Leverage Built-In Fixtures Instead of Manual Setup

Playwright’s built-in fixtures (like page, context, browser) are optimized and handle setup/teardown for you. Avoid manually creating resources unless absolutely necessary.

// Bad: Manually launching a browser
import { chromium } from '@playwright/test';
test('manual setup', async () => {
const browser = await chromium.launch();
const page = await browser.newPage();
await page.goto('');
await browser.close();

// Good: Use the built-in fixtures
import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
test('using fixture', async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('');

Reason?: The page fixture automatically manages browser launch and cleanup, saving you code and ensuring consistency.

Use Fixtures Only When Needed

Don’t include unused fixtures in your test signature — it keeps your code cleaner and avoids unnecessary overhead.

// Bad: Including unused fixtures
test('simple test', async ({ page, browser, context, request }) => {
await page.goto(''); // Only "page" is used

// Good: Only include what you need
test('simple test', async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('');

Reason?: Unused fixtures still get initialized, which can slightly slow down your tests and clutter your code.

Use context for Isolation

The context fixture provides a fresh browser context (e.g., separate cookies, storage). Use it when you need isolated sessions, like testing multiple users.

test('test two users', async ({ context }) => {
const page1 = await context.newPage();
await page1.goto('');
await page1.fill('#user', 'user1');

// New context for a second user
const newContext = await context.browser().newContext();
const page2 = await newContext.newPage();
await page2.goto('');
await page2.fill('#user', 'user2');

Reason?:context ensures each test or user session is independent, avoiding interference (e.g., shared cookies).

Create Custom Fixtures for Reusable Setup

If you have repeated setup logic (e.g., logging in), create a custom fixture to keep your tests DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself).

// Define a custom fixture
const { test: base } = require('@playwright/test');
const test = base.extend({
loggedInPage: async ({ page }, use) => {
await page.goto('');
await page.fill('#username', 'testuser');
await page.fill('#password', 'password123');
await use(page); // Pass the logged-in page to the test

// Use the custom fixture
test('use logged-in page', async ({ loggedInPage }) => {
await loggedInPage.goto('');
await expect(loggedInPage).toHaveURL(/dashboard/);

Reason?: Custom fixtures reduce duplication and make tests more readable and maintainable.


In Playwright, fixtures — are handy Objects provides to make testing easier. It’s like borrowing a pre-opened notebook to write your test instead of making a new one from scratch. You just use it, and Playwright handles the rest!




Written by KailashPathak

Author of book "Web Automation Testing Using Playwright", is a certified PMI-ACP®, ITIL®, PRINCE2 Practitioner®, ISTQB, professional.

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