How Does ChatGPT Help When Writing Automation Code With the Playwright Tool?

10 min readDec 28, 2022


ChatGPT Playwright

This blog was originally published at

ChatGPT broke Internet records by breaking them in its first week of release. My immediate thought as someone who works in QA automation was how to use this fantastic platform to make it easier for testers to work on Web and UI automation.

As ChatGPT may be used to write code in a variety of programming languages and technologies. After more investigation, I made the decision to create some scenarios using it. I used ChatGPT to develop the Cucumber feature file and various use cases based on UI situations.

We can use ChatGPT to generate the Code but we can’t say that the generated code is perfectly fine.

The aim of this blog is

  1. How you can set up ChatGPT

2. To know Is ChatGPT really helpful in generating Playwright/JavaScript Code.

3. How Can we generate an automation script For:

  • UI Automation Using Playwright /Javascript
  • Generate Cucumber Feature file

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a chatbot that uses the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) language model to generate responses to user inputs. It is designed to be able to converse with users in a natural and engaging way and can be used in a variety of applications such as customer service, entertainment, and education.

The GPT language model is a type of machine learning model that has been trained on a large dataset of human language in order to be able to generate human-like text. It is capable of generating coherent and fluent responses to a wide range of inputs and can be fine-tuned for specific tasks or domains.

ChatGPT can be used by developers to create chatbots that are able to hold natural conversations with users in a variety of contexts. It can be integrated into messaging platforms, websites, and other applications, and can be customized to meet the specific needs of each application.

What is Playwright?

Playwright is a tool for automating web browsers. It allows developers to write scripts that can interact with web pages in the same way that a user would, by clicking elements, filling out forms, and performing other actions. Playwright is designed to be simple and easy to use and can be used to test the functionality of web applications, scrape data from websites, and automate tasks that would otherwise be time-consuming or tedious to do manually.

Playwright is built on top of the WebKit and Chromium open-source browser engines and can be used to automate web browsers such as Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, and Apple Safari. It can be used with a variety of programming languages, including JavaScript, Python, and C#, and has a rich API that allows developers to customize its behavior and integrate it into their workflow.

Overall, Playwright is a powerful tool that can help developers automate web browser tasks, test the functionality of web applications, and improve their productivity.

Set up ChatGPT:


  1. Search the text ChatGPT in Google
ChatGPT Playwright

2. Open the first link in search result

ChatGPT Playwright

3. Click on “Try CHATGPT” it will first check for a secure connection after that provides two options “Login” and “Sign up”

4. Click on Signup and signup with a new email or existing account

5. After the above step it will ask you to enter your mobile number and one code will be received after entering the code user sign up for ChatGPT. The below screen opens finally once you click on the Next buttons in the wizard

Let’s ask ChatGP to Generate Automation Script

In this section, I am going to cover some scenarios by asking ChatGPT to generate the script for

  1. Web Automation Script Using Playwright /Javascript
  2. Generate Cucumber .feature file for different scenarios

Generate UI Automation Script for Playwright/ Javascript

Below are some scenarios that I have covered to generate the script In UI using Playwright/Javascript.

I asked ChatGPT the below query to generate the script.

Question 1:

Generate Playwright Javascript code to open the site and click on Get Started button

Below is the Generated Code by ChatGPT for the asked query

I have done some minor change and When I ran the above code it’s working fine without any issues.

// @ts-check
const { test } = require("@playwright/test");
const playwright = require("@playwright/test");

test("Verify ChatGPT Generated Code", async ({ page }) => {
const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch();

await page.goto("");

// Click on the "Get Started" button

await browser.close();

Question 2:

Write Playwright/ Javascript code for opening the URL of the site

Below is the Generated Code by ChatGPT for the asked query

I have done some minor changes and When I ran the above code it was working fine without any issues.

// @ts-check
const { test } = require("@playwright/test");
const playwright = require("@playwright/test");

test("Verify ChatGPT Generated Code", async ({
}) => {
const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch();

// Navigate to the URL
await page.goto("");

// Do something with the page, like taking a screenshot
await page.screenshot({ path: "screenshot.png" });

// Close the browser
await browser.close();

Question 3:

Write Playwright/ Javascript code for opening the URL of the site and print the title

Below is the Generated Code by ChatGPT for the asked query

I have done some minor changes and When I ran the above code it was working fine without any issues.

// @ts-check
const { test } = require("@playwright/test");
const playwright = require("@playwright/test");

test("Verify ChatGPT Generated Code", async ({ page }) => {
const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch();

// Navigate to the URL
await page.goto("");

// Get page title and print it
const title = await page.title();

// Close browser
await browser.close();

Question 4:

Login Scenario :

Write Playwright/ Javascript code to Open the URL login with Username standard_user Password secret_sauce and click on the login button

Below is the Generated Code by ChatGPT for the asked question

I have done some minor change and When I ran the above code it’s working fine without any issues. I am able to login without any issue

// @ts-check
const { test } = require("@playwright/test");
const playwright = require("@playwright/test");

test("Verify ChatGPT Generated Code", async ({ page }) => {
const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch();

await page.goto("");

// Enter the username and password
await page.fill("#user-name", "standard_user");
await page.fill("#password", "secret_sauce");

// Click the login button

// Close the browser
await browser.close();

Question 5:

Add Item In Cart and Verify added Item

Write Playwright/ Javascript code to Open the URL login with Username standard_user Password secret_sauce and click on the login button and click on ADD TO CART button then click on the shopping cart link and verify add an item with text Sauce Labs Backpack in shopping cart

Below is the Generated Code by ChatGPT for the asked question

I have done some minor change and When I ran the above code it’s working fine without any issues.

— I am able to login without

— Able to add item in Cart

— Able to verify the added item in Cart

// @ts-check
const { test } = require("@playwright/test");
const playwright = require("@playwright/test");

test("Verify ChatGPT Generated Code", async ({ page }) => {
const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch();

await page.goto("");

// Enter the username and password
await page.fill("#user-name", "standard_user");
await page.fill("#password", "secret_sauce");

// Click the login button

// Wait for the page to load
await page.waitForSelector('#inventory_container');

// Click the "ADD TO CART" button
await'#inventory_container .btn_primary:nth-of-type(1)');

// Click the shopping cart link
await'#shopping_cart_container a');

// Wait for the page to load
await page.waitForSelector('.cart_item');

// Verify that the item with the text "Sauce Labs Backpack" is in the shopping cart
const itemText = await page.$eval('.cart_item', (el) => el.textContent);
// @ts-ignore
console.log(itemText.includes('Sauce Labs Backpack'));

await browser.close();

Question 6:

Add Item In Cart ,Remove it and verify count in Cart should be 0 (“Zero” )

Write Playwright/ Javascript code to Open the URL login with Username standard_user Password secret_sauce and click on the login button and click on click on the shopping cart link and Click on Remove button to remove the added item

Below is the Generated Code by ChatGPT for the asked question

I have done some minor change and When I ran the above code it’s working fine without any issues.

— I am able to login without

— Able to add item in Cart

— Able to Remove the item from Cart

— Able to Verify the Count “Zero” after removing the item from cart.

// @ts-check
const { test } = require("@playwright/test");
const playwright = require("@playwright/test");

test("Verify ChatGPT Generated Code", async ({ page }) => {
const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch();

await page.goto("");

// Enter the username and password
await page.fill("#user-name", "standard_user");
await page.fill("#password", "secret_sauce");

// Click the login button

// Wait for the page to load
await page.waitForSelector("#inventory_container");

// Click the "ADD TO CART" button
await"#inventory_container .btn_primary:nth-of-type(1)");

// Click the shopping cart link
await"#shopping_cart_container a");

// Click the "REMOVE" button
await".cart_item .btn_secondary");

// Verify that the item has been removed from the shopping cart
const itemCount = await page.$$eval(
(elements) => elements.length
console.log(itemCount === 0);

await browser.close();

Generate Cucumber .feature file using ChatGPT

ChatGPT is very useful in creating the .feature file. I have asked to Generate .feature file for some of the below scenarios and the generated file looks good to me.

Question 1:

Generate Cucumber data table for site

Below is the Generated Code by ChatGPT for the asked question

Scenario: Verify page titles for Playwright website
Given I navigate to the following pages on the Playwright website
| URL | Expected Title |
| | Playwright |
| | Playwright Docs |
| | Playwright Examples |
| | Playwright Blog |
| | Playwright Contribute |
Then the page title should match the expected title

Question 2:

Generate the Cucumber feature file to Open the URL and click on the “Read more” button and verify the text How to Execute Playwright Test Cases With CI/CD GitHub Actions

Below is the Generated Code by ChatGPT for the asked question

Feature: Open URL and click on button
As a user
I want to be able to open a URL and click on a button
So that I can verify the text of the page

Scenario: Open URL and click on button
Given I am on the homepage of ""
When I click on the "Read more" button
Then I should see the text "How to Execute Playwright Test Cases With CI/CD GitHub Actions"

Question 3:

Generate the Cucumber feature file to Open the url login with Username standard_user Password secret_sauce and click on LOGIN button

Below is the Generated Code by ChatGPT for the asked question

Feature: Login to Sauce Demo website
As a user
I want to be able to login to the Sauce Demo website
So that I can access the website's features and functionality

Scenario: Successful login
Given I am on the Sauce Demo login page
When I enter the username "standard_user" and the password "secret_sauce"
And I click the LOGIN button
Then I should be logged in to the website

Feature: Login
Scenario Outline: Successful login
Given I am on the Sauce Demo login page
When I enter the username "<username>" and the password "<password>"
And I click the LOGIN button
Then I should be logged in to the website

| username | password |
| standard_user | secret_sauce |

Question 4:

Generate Cucumber data table for site

Below is the Generated Code by ChatGPT for the asked question

Scenario Outline: Verify page titles for the blog pages
Given I am on the "<url>" page
When I retrieve the page title
Then the page title should be "<title>"

| url | title |
| ---------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------- |
| | QA Automation Labs - Blogs |
| | QA Automation Labs - Blogs - Page 2 |
| | QA Automation Labs - Blogs - Page 3 |


The ChatGPT natural language model has tremendous promise and is quite powerful. It has tremendous capabilities and most likely will set the standard for low-code testing solutions to a wide range of issues. We can use ChatGPT to generate the Code but we can’t say that the generated code is perfectly fine you have to do some modifications. But the good thing is in most of the cases generated code is pretty close to runnable code.

Reference and

☕️ Happy testing! ☕️

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