Integrate Cucumber in Playwright With Java
How we can integrate cucumber with playwright
Problem statement
This blog cover how we can integrate cucumber in playwright with java
Pre-Condition :
- Eclipse IDE is installed Download from Here
- Java is installed Download from Here
- Maven is already installed in Eclipse Follow the steps attached here
Add Playwright and other dependency in POM.XML
Add below dependency in POM.XML
Scenarios covered under this blog with Cucumber
- launch application
- Verify the title of the application
- Login into the site
- Verify the product
- Click on Hamburger and Logout from the application
High level steps to implement the above scenario using Playwright With Java
- Create Maven Project
- Create packages for the pages class
- Create packages for testrunner, features, and stepdefinitions
- Create a feature file under ->features
- Create page class for HomePage and LoginPage
- Create methods under the LoginPage class
- Create methods under the HomePage class
- Create testclass under ->stepdefinitions
- Create testrunner class under ->testrunner
- Run the test cases
Explanation of steps
*Step 1: Create Maven Project
We can see below project has been created with the Name “NewPlayWrightProject”
*Step 2: Create packages for the pages class
Create package under src/main/java -> with name “com.saucedemo.pages”
*Step 3: Create packages for testrunner, features, and stepdefinitions
Create three packages “testrunner”, “features” and “stepdefinitions” under -> src/test/java
*Step 4: Create a feature file
Under features package create .feature file with name “LoginAndHomeTest.feature”
Feature: Login
Scenario Outline: Login to SwagLabs Application with Correct credentials
Given User launched SwagLabs application
When User verify the Page title
When User logged in the app using username “<UserName>” and password “<Password>”
Then User verify the product name “<ProductName>”
Then User logout from the applicationExamples:
| UserName | Password | ProductName |
| standard_user | secret_sauce | Sauce Labs Backpack |
*Step 5: Create page class for HomePage and LoginPage
*Step 6: Create methods under the LoginPage class
Under create methods to login /verify product and logout from the site
Create methods under package com.saucedemo.pages
- verifyTitle();
- loginIntoApplication(String email, String pass);
- logoutFromApplication();
Other methods :
enterUserName(String email),enterPassword(String pass),clickLoginButton(),clickOnHamburger() and clickOnLogout()
package com.saucedemo.pages;
public class LoginPage {
Page page;
// Locator — — — -
String username = “id=user-name”;
String password = “id=password”;
String clickLogin = “id=login-button”;
String clickHamburger = “id=react-burger-menu-btn”;
String clickLogout = “id=logout_sidebar_link”;// initialize Page using constructor
public LoginPage(Page page) { = page;}public String verifyTitle() {
String title = page.title();
return title;}//Create methods
// Login into the application
public void loginIntoApplication(String email, String pass) {
clickLoginButton();}public void logoutApplication() {
clickOnLogout(); } // Logout from the applicationpublic void enterUserName(String email) {
page.fill(username, email);}public void enterPassword(String pass) {
page.fill(password, pass);}public void clickLoginButton() {;}public void clickOnHamburger() {;}public void clickOnLogout() {;}}
*Step 7: Create methods for the HomePage class
Under create the below methods
productName(); //To verify the product name in the site
package com.saucedemo.pages;
public class HomePage {
Page page;
// Locator — — — -
String productName_1 =”id=item_4_title_link”;
//initialize Page using constructor
public HomePage(Page page) { =page;}
public String productName() {
String productName = page.textContent(productName_1);
return productName;}}
*Step 8: Create a Test class
Under the stepdefinitions -> Create “” class to call all the methods that are created under and
package stepdefinitions;
import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterTest;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeTest;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;import;
import com.saucedemo.pages.HomePage;
import com.saucedemo.pages.LoginPage;import;
import;public class LoginCucumberTest {
LoginPage login;
HomePage home;
Playwright playwright = Playwright.create();
BrowserType firefox = playwright.firefox();
Browser browser = firefox.launch(new BrowserType.LaunchOptions().setHeadless(false));
Page page = browser.newPage();@Given(“User launched SwagLabs application”)
public void setUp() {
home = new HomePage(page);
login = new LoginPage(page);
@When(“User verify the Page title”)
public void verifyPageTitle() {
String title = login.verifyTitle();
Assert.assertEquals(title, “Swag Labs”);}
//Login into the application
@When(“User logged in the app using username {string} and password {string}”)
public void loginIntoTheApplication(String username,String password ) {
login.loginIntoApplication(username, password);
//Verify product name after login
@Then(“User verify the product name {string}”)
public void verifyProductsName(String productname) {
String productName = home.getProductName();
Assert.assertEquals(productName, productname);}
//Logout from application
@Then(“User logout from the application”)
public void logoutFromApplication() {
*Step 9: Create testrunner class to run the test cases
package com.testrunner;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import io.cucumber.junit.Cucumber;
import io.cucumber.junit.CucumberOptions;@RunWith(Cucumber.class)
features = “src/test/java/features/”,
glue = {“stepdefinitions”},
plugin = {“pretty”})
public class SauceDemoTestRunner {}
*Step 10: Run the test case
Two ways of running the test case
Method 1: Open testrunner class right click and Runs as -> Junit Test
Report after running the test cases
Method 2
we can run by right-clicking on the .feature file
For more blogs on Cypress please follow the links
Video of each step
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