Integration of BrowserStack with Jenkins to run cypress test cases
2 min readApr 25, 2021
Please see the previous vlog before moving ahead
Step 1: Installing the BrowserStack plugin
- Click on Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins.
- Click on the Available tab.
- In the search box type BrowserStack.
- Choose BrowserStack from the list of available plugins.
Step 2: Follow these steps to configure BrowserStack inside Jenkins
- Go to Manage Jenkins > Configure System.
- Under the BrowserStack section, click on the Add button next to BrowserStack Credentials.
- Enter your BrowserStack Username and Access Key
Step 3: Select BrowserStack Credential under Build Environment Tab
- Click on Project
- Click on Configure
- Under Build Environment Select the BrowserStack Credentials that are configured in Step #2
Step 4: Under the Build section type below command
1.npm install -g browserstack-cypress-cli
2.npm run cy:report
- browserstack-cypress-cli is BrowserStack’s command-line interface (CLI) which allows you to run your Cypress tests on BrowserStack.
- The second command will run the test cases
Step 5: Run the build
Run the build by clicking on “Build Now”
Jenkin report attached Below
Step 6: Browser Stack Report
As we click on “Build Now” in Jenkins once all test cases are run we can see the report in Browser Stack
Browser Stack UI looks like