Run Cypress tests in Cross-browser Using the testing tool LambdaTest
How to run Cypress tests in Cross-browser Using the testing tool LambdaTest
- Cypress is already set up.
- Some test cases are available to run in LambdaTest.
- Users already sign up in LambdaTest
About LambdaTest
LambdaTest is a cloud-based cross-browser testing tool that allows you to perform cross-browser testing for web applications across multiple browsers, operating systems, and devices.
Step Up lambdatest for Cypress test case execution :
Step 1: Install the CLI
Install the LambdaTest using Cypress CLI command via npm.
LambdaTest’s command-line interface allows us to run your Cypress tests on LambdaTest.
npm install -g lambdatest-cypress-cli
Step 2: Generate lambdaTest.json
Under the root folder configure the browsers that we want to run the tests.
Use the init command to generate a sample lambdaTest.json file, or alternatively create one from scratch
Use below command
lambdatest-cypress init
In generated lambdatest.json
file pass the below information
Fill required values in the sectionlambdatest_auth
, browsers
, run_settings
to run your tests
Under auth
fill below data (*Enter user name / generated access_key) of your LambdaTest account
"lambdatest_auth": {"username": "XXXXXX","access_key": "XXXXX"},
username and access_key we can copy after login into the lambdatest platform
Under the browsers
fill browser, os, version detail
"browsers": [{"browser": "Chrome","platform": "Windows 10","versions": ["latest-1"]},{"browser": "Firefox","platform": "Windows 10","versions": ["latest-1"]}],
Under run_settings fill below information"run_settings": {"cypress_config_file": "cypress.json","build_name": "Build 1.1.0","parallels": 1,"specs": "./cypress/integration/1-getting-started/*.spec.js","ignore_files": "","feature_file_suppport": false,"network": false,"headless": false,"reporter_config_file": "","npm_dependencies": {"cypress": "9.0.0"}},
Step 3: Run the cypress tests
Run the below command
lambdatest-cypress run --sync=true
Here we can see that once the test cases are executed in Firefox and Chrome successfully results will display in the terminal.
View Cypress Testing Result On LambdaTest Platform
As we run the above command (i.e lambdatest-cypress run — sync=true), test cases also start to run in the LambdaTest platform.
Below is the screenshot of the LambdaTest platform with a VIDEO of the test case.
Video is helpful during debugging in case any of the test cases fail.
LambdaTest is a cloud web and mobile testing platform to run test cases in multiple browsers, operating systems, and devices.